Sunday, February 11, 2007


Hometown, i've never realized that i don't know what the meaning really is. Does it mean a town where you stay, a town where your parent lives, or a town where your house and bed is. It's funny because what i really feel is that i don't have an exact town that i can call it a 'hometown' because i actually have two places where i can stay with my parents and stay for my studies, at Jakarta and Bandung.
Before I, or my parents, moved to Jakarta lived and had my middle school years in Bekasi (another home of mine) until I decided to continue on my high school education in Bandung. I moved to Bandung since the first grade of high school and i stayed at a boarding house since then. I was surprised when i found that i'm not the only one whose experiencing this kind of situation, there are really a lot of high school students like me at my former school who prefer to move to Bandung for their high school and lived at a boarding house. Why i chose Bandung to continue my highschool? It's the most frequent asked question that i've ever been asked. And for the answer is, i really don't know, i just want to experience something new, and my parents are fine with it.
When I reached the second grade of high school in Bandung my parents that stayed in Bekasi had an idea to move to Jakarta, they said that it is closer to my dad's office. Because when we were in Bekasi he had to spend three hours a day just to be in a vehicle to reach his office in Jakarta. Well I thought, that's fine by me. So the family gathered things to move to a new house in Jakarta, while i'm still staying at mi boarding house in Bandung. So at that time when holiday comes i'm no longer be coming back to Bekasi, but to a new house in Jakarta.
For the conclusion, if i will be asked where my hometown is, i would say Bandung and Jakarta. Bandung, because it's the town where i've bonded for almost four years for getting my education
and Jakarta, where my parents lives and where i have my holidays.
So, if i would say anything about Jakarta, i couldn't say much because i'm not really connected to that city. and if i would have anything to say about Bandung, what is my right, i'm just a visitor whose purpose is to get an education.

Thanks for posting, you need to be focus on your target reader, and your writing is influenced by spoken language. Will discuss this matter in class.

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