Friday, March 23, 2007

Water System in Modern House

Most house's water system are directly fed from a municipal water system, which usually located under the road or street. Water, from the municipal water system, are brought to each houses by high-preassure pipes. Water, which has been flowed to the house, are stored in the house water tank. From this water tank, water are flowed by the mains to reach every taps in the house.

Water are distributed by the mains to every part of the house. Through pipes, which are installed in the wall and floor, water are flowed to each house's components. First, water are distributed to reach sink tap and other taps in the first floor. After that, water are pumped up again to the second floor. In the second floor, water are distributed to reach wash basin tap, toilet tap, and bath tap. Last but not least, water are flowed to the loft and stored in the cold water tank.

Many modern houses use two kinds of water, which is cold water and heated water. Because water from the municipal water system is unheated water, this water must be processed first. In order to get the heated water, cold water, which has been stored in the cold water tank, is flowed to the hot water tank. Processing system in the hot water tank makes cold water contains heat. After that, this heated water are distributed to reach every taps in the the first and the second floor.

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